Sunday, February 9, 2014

What is Easter Egg News?

One may ask, what is Easter Egg News?

Easter Egg News is a new endeavor I'm embarking on to expand on a previous concept, "Radio 1337". Originally, Radio 1337 focused on video game news and reviews from a different perspective: the developers. As I expanded Radio 1337, I started putting in content that focused on a variety of different subjects: Sex/Dating advice, World of Warcraft strategies, games from a woman's perspective…all shows that tried to break the mold of a traditional "video game show" by incorporating so-called experts in their field to bring content that people want to hear.

Radio 1337 had gone through its ups and downs. We had equipment stolen, we had falling outs, some people just moved on with their lives. Then we went into a recession. Our site was barren for years.

Then redemption happened. When I started going to school for my Masters at Academy of Art, I found that they had an online radio station. Wanting to get my passion for media again, I asked to put a show on the station called Radio 1337.

It worked. I did the show for well over 8 months and I loved it. I had a new crew, better equipment, and I had help in editing and output.

But as that came to an end (my hosts are also students, they started getting more busy with their schoolwork), I felt the need to start something new. It was time to evolve.

Thus the inception of Easter Egg News.

Easter Egg News delves into the things that aren't normally seen. It's the things that you have to search for, the little bits of fun that games, movies, and other media that people put in to make the production special.

In addition, this production expands this outlet outside of just video games. I'll be able to move into bigger and greater things…anything that has an easter egg…a commercial, a movie, a radio broadcast…this can be included in this endeavor.

So where do we go from here? Simple. We move forward. And never look back.

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Creative Commons License
Easter Egg News by Joseph Vales is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at